Project-based Learning and Multimedia


"Project based learning redefines the boundaries of the classroom. No longer are students confined to learning within four walls."
Project-based multimedia learning is a teaching method in which students “acquire new knowledge and skills in the course designing, planning, and producing multimedia products.”

Seven Key Dimensions
Core curriculum- At the foundation of any unit of this type is a clear set off learning goal drawn from whatever curriculum or set of standards in use.
Real-world connection- The project seeks to connect students’ work in school with the wider world in which students live.
Extended time frame- A good project is not a one-shot lesson. Student decision making- In project-based multimedia learning, students have a say.
Collaboration- Project-based multimedia learning demands collaboration or working together to accomplish a common intellectual purpose.
Assessment- There are three assessment concerns in project-based multimedia learning, namely: (a) activities for developing expectations; ( b) activities for improving the media products; (c) activities for compiling and disseminating evidence of learning.
Multimedia- In multimedia projects, the students do not learn simply by “using” multimedia produced by others; they learn by creating it themselves.

This chapter is the concept of multimedia on how the student can apply and used in presenting their topic or project. Also the students work collaboratively over an extended time frame. As they work, they employ life skills including decision making. Their learning task ends up with a multimedia presentation through their multimedia product.

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