The Power of FILM, VIDEO and TV in the Classroom


"Next to the home and school, i believe television a more profound influence in the human race than any other medium of communication." - Edgar Dale

Educational tools like visual media, film, video and television were considered as high potential impact. They are now more accessible and less cumbersome to use. The VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) gave us flexibility. We could watch the 1st twenty minutes stop the tape and discuss elements for introduction, mood, suspense and characterization-and view it again. According to dale the films, video and TV are transmit a wide range of audio visual materials still pictures, film specimen and drama film, video and TV provide us
with the sounds and sights not easily available even to the viewer of real event through long shots, close ups, zoom shots, magnification and split screen recording to dale the film, video and TV are transmit a wide range of audio visual materials still pictures, film, on made possible by the TV camera. Excessive TV viewing work against the development of the child ability to visualize and to be creative and imaginative, skills that are needed in problem solving. The effect of TV depends on how it is used we agree that the TV can give a more accurate, more lively and more colorful presentation of difficult topic.

In this chapter it can give us the knowledge and technique on how to motivate students and to raise their interest of their studies at the same time they enjoy the presentation.

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